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Village Green

Village Green is the quarterly newsletter of the Community Council of Devon ( which is distributed to over 3000 people, mainly in Devon.

All Parish Councils, and most village halls receive a copy, as do many other community groups, statutory authorities, voluntary organisations and individuals. The print run is 3,300 copies.

The newsletter contains information on a variety of topics of interest to people living in rural Devon.

In each issue, there are pages directly aimed at parish councils, village hall committees, and playgroup and playground committees.

There is also information on possible sources of funding for community groups and voluntary organisations, and on many other issues of interest including legal developments and training, as well as updates on the work of the Community Council and examples of good practice in community development and the voluntary sector.

A copy of the newsletter can be obtained from the Community Council of Devon offices.

Visit the Community Council of Devon

Publication dates:

First weeks of March (Spring), June (Summer), September (Autumn) & December (Winter).